Together, let’s make sustainability the standard – not a choice.

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Help us on our mission to earn $50 MILLION by 2030 so we can purchase and protect endangered ecosystems around the world.

With your donations, we will purchase endangered environments and protect them from the threats pushing them to extinction.

We will find impactful solutions to reduce the stress on these areas and the ecosystems within.

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What is the problem?

Over-tourism – also known as the excessive growth of visitors leads to overcrowding in areas where local communities, ecosystems, and environments suffer permanent consequences.

When rent prices push out local tenants to make way for holiday rentals, that is over-tourism. When narrow roads become jammed with tourist vehicles, that is over-tourism. When wildlife is scared away; when tourists cannot view landmarks because of the crowds; when fragile environments become permanently degraded – these are all signs of over-tourism.

Our goal at Authenteco Travel is to teach you how to explore and travel responsibly.

We've always known there has to be a better way to adventure through life; rather, a way where our wandering souls co-exist with the places that call us to adventure.

We must learn how to visit beautiful places and have incredible experiences while only leaving footprints.

Overtourism is not just a big city issue; it has been documented in wilderness areas and national parks. We want to protect these areas and save them from further damage.

Help us make a difference and donate today to our endangered land grab. We’re on a mission to earn $50 MILLION by 2030 so we can purchase and protect endangered ecosystems around the world.

Make a donation Today

Our environments and ecosystems need our support more than ever!

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We must learn how to visit beautiful places and have incredible experiences while only leaving footprints.

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How You Can Help

Your donation will help create a world where environments and the ecosystems within thrive – now and for future generations.

Your donation will:

  • Help us purchase endangered land all around the world

  • Protect environments and wildlife at risk of extinction

  • Support revegetation movements

  • Stand with and learn from Traditional Owners and local communities to care for our living world for generations to come

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